Monday, November 2, 2009

Greek & Portuguese Evening 2009

One of Cycad's biggest fundraisers occured on 30 October 2009. The Greek & Portuguese Evening is a bi-annual fundraiser with a twist. The evening saw many guests clapping along to Zorba and breaking plates to their heart's content. A Portuguese band and Greek performer entertained the guests as well as some very sultry belly dancers who presented shows with fire, wings and sword balancing. The proceeds of this fundraiser have been allocated to the incinerator project at St. Joseph's Home for the Aged. A big thank you goes out to sponsors and donators: Paramount Construction, Woestalleen Colliery, Hercules Campher & van Deventer, Friendly Grocer Middelburg, Geojar Liquor Warehouse, The Ridge Casino and Entertainment Resort, Sign-a-Rama and Stamwil Caterers. Thank you to Rotarians, helpers, guests and loyal supporters of Rotary fundraisers and projects. Without your input this evening would have been impossible!

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